Don’t snooze on your dues

Don’t Snooze on Your Dues!
Ahoy, Berlin Yacht Club members! As we set sail into a new year, it's crucial to keep your membership dues shipshape and up to date. Your continued support ensures that our club maintains its top-notch facilities, exciting events, and unrivaled nautical community.

Don't miss the boat on the incredible benefits of your membership—renew your dues promptly and enjoy uninterrupted access to our marina, clubhouse, and exclusive member activities. By staying current, you help keep our club's sails filled with the wind of opportunity. Remember, your active membership not only enriches your experiences but also contributes to the vitality of our esteemed yacht club.

Fair winds and following seas,
Berlin Yacht Club


Spring workday is just around the corner: sort of


welcome to the new site: climb aboard