Plan a Visit

What to expect

  • Prepare for the weather. Hot, cold, rain, snow, sun or shade.

  • Be ready to get wet. While most boats are relatively dry capsizing it is always a possibility.

  • Bring your water bottle, hat, gloves, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

  • Portable restrooms available at the anchorage.

  • Moderate levels of physical activity and mobility. Accommodations can be made for those who require it.

find a date

View our upcoming events to find upcoming sailing events, dates, and times.

Hale a captain

Hale a captain to find a host Skipper for the day.

Plan and prepare

Embarking on a sailing adventure requires meticulous planning and thorough preparation. From charting your course to checking weather forecasts and ensuring you have all necessary supplies, every detail must be carefully considered.

Set Sail

Point your compass towards the club and the wind at your back!